April 26, 2015

Somosomo, Taveuni Island - Week 11

Ni bula!

Man this week has been good!  I am loving life down here in Taveuni.  Hard to believe I have been on my mission almost 4 months....crazy how fast time flies!  But I am sure happy to be here.  

This week we had district conference for the Taveuni District.  Well only half of a district conference, because the island of Vanua Levu is having their half of the conference next week.  But it was really good.  

President Layton was able to come down and be the presiding authority, so it was really good to hear a lot of his talks this week.  Props to him; almost every meeting he was the last speaker, and everyone else had spoke too short, so he always filled the whole time.  Yesterday he spoke for a straight 45 minutes, and it was way good!  But I think it was really good for the people here on Taveuni.  Their goal is to become a stake next year, but they don't really understand what they have to do to become one, so all of the instruction given the past two days was able to help a lot I think.

But, because of district conference we had 12 elders in our flat for 2 days.  It is completely wrecked!  Haha the elders from Taveuni, Rabi, and part of Vanua Levu were able to come.  We were packed like sardines but it was super fun to catch up with everybody.  

So good news: only one week left of my training!  There are 12 weeks in all, and last week was the infamous week 11.  That means that I was in charge of taking the lead for the week.  It went pretty well, Elder Hosea told me that his new name was "Elder Brick".  Haha it was hard, but I think it helped me a lot with learning Fijian and with being a better teacher. 

I almost forgot!  We had a baptism on Saturday!  Senitiki was able to be baptized by Pela Ranama, the Branch President's son.  It was way awesome!  Right after he was baptized he bore his testimony and starting to cry a bit: I could tell that he was happy and that he had made the right decision to follow Jesus Christ.  He will be confirmed next week because of the district conference.  I was so happy to be a part of his conversion.

Thank you all for everything that you do!


Elda Harris

Senitiki's Baptism


All the missionaries at District Conference

We had a big lunch after District Conference :)

Elder Hosea teaching a lady from Rabi how to play the piano

1 comment:

  1. So fun to see the pictures and heat the stories. Time is sure flying by on this end!!
